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2광원 솔라 모듈 시뮤레이터
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Double Light Source Solar Simulator

  • Crystal
  • Thin-film

Multijunction and tandem types of photovoltaic
module measurements are possible using this
double light source solar simulator

The conventional method that uses a xenon lamp only results in xenon's unique bright line spectrum.
Using two light sources, namely xenon and halogen lamps, as featured in our double light source solar simulator, enables the bright line spectrum unique to xenon to be reduced in favor of a spectrum which is closer to solar light. Various types of photovoltaic modules including tandem types can be measured by changing the intensity of the two light sources.

Double Light Source Solar Simulator Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4

Point 1

More accurate measurement of tandem and triple types of photovoltaic modules

Tandem and triple types of photovoltaic modules with layers of differing spectral sensitivity can accurately be measured because two light sources, namely xenon and halogen lamps, are used.


Measures the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of photovoltaic modules using pulsed emissions from xenon lamps and constant emissions from halogen lamps

Nisshinbo's original illumination control circuit is used to achieve within ±0.2% of the temporal instability of irradiance, which substantially exceeds even grade A.


Measurement of slow responding photovoltaic modules is also possible

Photovoltaic modules with a slow response time can also be measured, as the spectral balance can be adjusted by changing the intensity of the two light sources.

Point 4

No need to reverse modules. Light is irradiated from below, enabling integration into production line

Photovoltaic modules are manufactured with the receptor surface facing down, and the modules are generally turned over for measurement. We made improvements to our solar simulator, and measurement is now possible with the receptor surface of the photovoltaic cell remaining face down. Eliminating the need to reverse the modules well facilitates in-line operation, making it perfect for mass production.


More accurate measurement of tandem and triple types of photovoltaic modules

Tandem and triple types of photovoltaic modules with layers of differing spectral sensitivity can accurately be measured because two light sources, namely xenon and halogen lamps, are used.

Measures the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of photovoltaic modules using pulsed emissions from xenon lamps and constant emissions from halogen lamps

Nisshinbo's original illumination control circuit is used to achieve within ±0.2% of the temporal instability of irradiance, which substantially exceeds even grade A.

Measurement of slow responding photovoltaic modules is also possible

Photovoltaic modules with a slow response time can also be measured, as the spectral balance can be adjusted by changing the intensity of the two light sources.

No need to reverse modules. Light is irradiated from below, enabling integration into production line

Photovoltaic modules are manufactured with the receptor surface facing down, and the modules are generally turned over for measurement. We made improvements to our solar simulator, and measurement is now possible with the receptor surface of the photovoltaic cell remaining face down. Eliminating the need to reverse the modules well facilitates in-line operation, making it perfect for mass production.

  • High-speed measurements in which measurement takes about 7 seconds with a general cycle time of 27 seconds per module have been achieved.
  • Supports expanded light pulse width and high-speed measurement specifications (illumination control circuit method). Measurement period is reduced by expanding the light pulse width and measuring in one or two flashes (A number of data points are collected per flash).
  • Measurement results are immediately shown on the PC screen, and can be printed from a printer at once.
  • Optical filter is cooled using a filter-cooling unit (circulation type).
  • Capacitor recharging period is reduced by operating two high voltage power sources in parallel per xenon lamp.


Model PVS 1114iD
Effective irradiation area 1100 mm x 1400 mm
Light source Xenon and halogen lamps
Spectrum Within ±25% spectral match for the reference solar radiation of AM1.5 specified under JIS C 8911 for wavelength bands of 350 to 500, 500 to 600, 600 to 700, 700 to 800, 800 to 900 and 900 to 1100 nm.
Measured luminance 1000W/m2
Non-uniformity in irradiance Within 4%
Temporal instability of irradiance Within ±0.2% (*) JIS C 8192 temporal instability of irradiance: Grade A
Re-measurement accuracy Pmax: Within ±0.5%
Power supply 3-phase, AC 200 to 220 V, 50/60 Hz, 180 A
Dimensions (LxWxH) 4.90 m x 4.10 m x 2.05 m


  • Module guide (manual / automatic transfer)
  • Measurement probe arm
  • Hi-pot test function
  • HDD / RAID compatible


  • 탠덤형, 트리플형의 태양전지 모듈을 정확하게 측정
  • 펄스광의 사용으로 안정된 측정 결과
  • 응답이 느린 태양전지 모듈의 측정도 가능
  • 모듈 반전이 필요 없어 인라인화가 용이
  • 독자적인 조도 제어회로(IPS)로 측정 시간 7초, 사이클 타임이 모듈당 27초의 고속 측정을 실현
  • 독자적인 불균일 조정방식으로 방사 조도 불균일 ±4% 이내를 실현


형식 PVS1114iD
유효 조사 면적 1,100mm x 1,400mm
광원 크세논 램프, 할로겐 램프
스펙트럼 350~500, 500~600, 600~700, 700~800, 800~900, 900~1,100nm의 각 구분에서 JIS C8911에 기재된 기준 태양광 AM1.5에 대해 합치도 ±25% 이내
측정 조도 1,000W/m2
조도 불균일 4% 이내
조도 변동률 ±0.2% 이내 JIS C 8192 방사 조도 시간 변동률 등급: A
반복 측정 정밀도 Pmax: ±0.5% 이내
전원 3상, AC200~220V, 50/60Hz, 180A
외형 치수(L x W x H) 4.90m x 4.10m x 2.05m


  • 모듈 가이드(수동 반송식ㆍ자동 반송식)
  • 측정 프로브 암(수동 접속식ㆍ자동 접속식)
  • 절연 내압 시험 기능
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 평가점수
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회사소개 | 서비스이용약관 | 개인정보취급방침
주소 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 둔촌대로 474, 708호 (상대원동 선텍시티1)
Tel : 031-777-1588 / Fax : 031-777-1587 / 개인정보관리책임자 : 관리자
사업자 등록번호 : 116-81-31753 / 통신판매업신고 : 2005-경기성남-0886호
대표자 : 홍영화 / 운영자 : 윤상미
상호 : 주식회사 코린스 / Copyright ⓒ 2002. All Rights Reserved.